Saturday, July 13, 2013

thermotron former employee - Axe to Grind

yes get your start at thermotron

Bill Arvo

National Sales Manager at Weiss Environmental Technology, Inc.

Greater Detroit Area 


National Sales Manager at Weiss Environmental Technology, Inc.


President at Test Equipment Services Inc.
Sales Engineer at thermotron


Macomb Community College


4 people have recommended Bill

77 connections

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Public Profile


National Sales Manager
Weiss Environmental Technology, Inc.

Privately Held; 1001-5000 employees; Research industry

April 2005 – Present (7 years 1 month)

Responsible for the Marketing and Sales of Environmental Test Chambers for the U.S. and Canada. Equipment includes; Wind Tunnels, Emissions SHED's, Vibration, Corrosion, Drive-In Dyno Chambers and Custom.
Test Equipment Services Inc.

January 1999 – April 2001 (2 years 4 months)

Company offered complete service and installation of Environmental Test Chambers as well as facilities maintenance.
Sales Engineer

Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry

1983 – 1993 (10 years)
Macomb Community College
Climate Control Technology, Refrigeration, HVAC

1976 – 1980

1 comment:

  1. Bill arvo what a horse's Ass

    Where lying in the texas office and within the next few days
    As Thomas Patterson said he doesn't want to say anything bad about Thomas bannach and family because then they will attack you. Hil sybesma referred to Thomas bannach and family as "the spine less guttless wonder and over payed do nothing's. This is because Thomas bannach promotion of lying cheating stealing and embezzler and backstabber. Diana is a YES dear or who're. David bannach fired by the westly church and Keven working at a company that requires lying stealing and prevert.salrs training.

    Dick alverson
    March 18, 2021
    Having worked with Thomas bannach at thermotron for years .and watching how Thomas treated Jeff schultz in the texas office. It was a surprise that the bannach family went to church as n o one trusted tom or trusted Holland michigan churches. As they are called west michigan hycroptits.

    As howard pittman shared his experience and obituary when he died and visited the second heaven

    Religious Organization · Church · Religious Center

    Howard Pittman is the only man known alive today having had an experience similar to both of the experiences reported in the Bible in Isaiah 38:1-5 and II Corinthians 12:3-4.

    On August 3, 1979, Howard kept his appointment with death while in an ambulance being moved from one hospital to another. All of this came about because of a massive internal hemorrhage. As the result of keeping his appointment with death, Howard was given a fantastic spiritual experience. In reality, this experience was a warning to the world of the impending return of Jesus Christ and God's judgement, which is also being poured out upon mankind!

    It seems that in this modern day, most people are only interested in hearing something good and pleasing. The Bible said that in the "last days" men would go to teachers who said only pleasing things (II Timothy 4:3). It does seem that most people have forgotten that God has a "day of wrath" in store for some! (Colossians 3:6). The most amazing thing about the experience of Howard Pittman is this entire experience is documented in scripture!

    Howard Pittman has traveled the world for the past 30+ years bringing this message wherever asked.
